Revitalizing New Orleans Square: A Beacon of Hope for Broken Arrow

17 Nov 2023
Business, Development, Infrastructure, Retail
TULSA, Okla. (KTUL) — In the heart of Broken Arrow, a distinctive "Blue Blob" has become more than just a symbol—it's a sign of revival for New Orleans Square, a once-struggling area now experiencing a surge of economic growth and community support.
"When you see that logo, you understand that it's New Orleans Square," said Broken Arrow Vice Mayor Christi Gillespie.
Driving through New Orleans Square, it's hard to miss the unmistakable logo adorning banners, signs, gateways, and even along the streets of Broken Arrow. For Gillespie and some business owners, the logo represents a collective identity for the area, signaling a renewed sense of community and purpose.
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